
Feb 13, 2013


Tonight was absolute perfection. Earlier this evening Rachel and I headed from our dorm to the Proenza Schouler show. It was way down town and took us a lot longer to get there than anticipated. By the time we made it to the Park Place stop on the 3 train, I was worried that we were going to have missed most of the action. However.. I would soon realize... this wasn't so.

We met up with some friends at the front entrance and then decided to find ourselves the golden door. The one door that model bloggers dream of. The one labeled: backstage. As we walked down the narrow sidewalk that was covered with scaffolding and surrounded by large equipment trucks, you could hear the loud bass of the catwalk music pounding against the brick walls. We followed down the tunnel of vibrating mortar to find the lovely-labeled-makeshift-plywood-black door right in front of us. The waiting began.

Out of sheer boredom Rachel decided to check Instagram to see if a model board for the show had been posted. We do this at about every show in order to see who was cast and what faces we should be scanning for. It has helped out a lot and gotten us some great photos. Then the most magical moment happened: a photograph of Sasha Pivovarova surfaced. SHE WAS BACKSTAGE. We freaked.

She is not only one of my most favorite models but she is le-gen-dary. She is one of the first models that I fawned over when I was becoming interested in the fashion world. And now she is here? Backstage? I knew that at this point.. nothing else mattered. My one and only mission was find her and see her.

Rachel and I were frantic. We wondered which door she would come out of? Would she come out of the backstage door? Or the front which would be half a block away? Us and our new friends that we had made outside previous shows were all watching--scanning the groups of people that would sporadically file through that black backstage door. Looking for her.

"THAT'S HER!" I am running. She decided to walk in the opposite direction of where I was standing. In a panic I decided to duck under the scaffolding bars and run down the street alongside traffic. The huge equipment trucks were in the way! I needed to get to the end of the truck line before she did! Luckily I did. She was everything I had hoped for. She was sweet and kind--smiling for the cameras with her child. The only words that I could manage to fly out of my mouth were, "You are so gorgeous!" "Thank you" She replied softly with a smile.

I died.

The end.


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