
Feb 6, 2013

We Are Excited

I feel like it is time to resurface this video.. As fashion week starts tomorrow ya'll!!

It seems like not that long ago I was running from my classes to stand outside of shows. My first fashion week. It was an amazing experience and the only regret that I have is that I didn't have business cards. I had no idea how big the people would be on connections as they stood outside the shows, eagerly stalking fashion's elite crowd, just as I was. I had at least 30 people, some of them seemingly important, approach me asking me to exchange cards--of course little old me, who would rather have hidden in the shadows of the brick buildings or blend into the sidewalk, was not equipped with such a card. So I politely said sorry I don't and took their card and they walked off.

Now.. as I am writing this I am realizing that I DON'T HAVE CARDS AGAIN. So looks like for the next day I will be handcrafting--hopefully convincing-- business cards to hand out.

Maybe I will post a picture of my DIY-hopefully-not-disaster cards. Wish me luck?

And I see another dancing video in our future......



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